PERIOD 01 JAN - 31 DEC 2023

IDR 2.500.000/PAX

Tana Toraja is a regency in South Sulawesi Province. Tana Toraja is also very well known for its culture, traditions, and beliefs that until now are still very thick and continue to be maintained. So far, the people of Tana Toraja think that their ancestors came from heaven and went down using stairs. In Tana Toraja, there is a very famous tradition that is a unique way of burial by placing the bodies of deceased people in caves. In addition, when you visit Tana Toraja then you can see traditional houses called Tongkonan. The traditional house has a unique design shaped like a boat. With this uniqueness and distinctiveness, Tana Toraja is increasingly popular and becomes a tourist destination for tourists from all directions.



This mountain is called Buttu Kabobong but is more famous as Mount Nona. If you are going to Tana Toraja (Tator) then we will pass this mountain. This mountain is precisely located on the Enrekang axis road. People say it is not and if you go to Tator without stopping to enjoy the view of this mountain. The view of this mountain is slightly different from other mountains because if you pay attention it will look like Miss V. While enjoying the view of the mountain that calms the eyes with a stretch of green trees and accompanied by a glass of hot tea and a cool breeze.


Londa is one of the many tourist attractions in Toraja, both North Toraja and Tana Toraja. Londa itself is a tourist attraction where the cave tomb is located on a hill, inside it also contains coffins, bones, and skulls of bodies that are hundreds of years old. Located 7 KM from the south of Rantepao City, this Londa tourist attraction is located in Sandan Uai Village, Sanggalangi District, North Toraja Regency..


Lemo is the name of a destination in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi. In the local language, the name of this place means 'orange', because the nearby hills are shaped like oranges. Lemo itself is located about 11 km south of Rantepao or can be accessed by a 30-minute drive.

Tourists visiting Tana Toraja never miss Lemo in their itinerary. The reason is, Lemo offers an iconic view of Tana Toraja, which is a rock cliff used as a tomb with tau-tau aka wooden dolls made to resemble the deceased.


Kete Kesu is one of the traditional villages that hold many stories and history of Tana Toraja, starting from traditional houses and ancient tombs here.

Kete Kesu is located in Bonoran Village, Tikunna Malenong Village, Sanggalangi District, North Toraja, South Sulawesi. This village is indeed famous for the traditional Toraja cemetery where the body is placed on the cliffs and caves behind this village. Here are several tombs that are considered modern, namely tombs that use buildings such as houses and there are photos of family members who have been buried in it.

In addition to traditional tombs, tourists can also see traditional Toraja houses, namely Tongkonan with towering buffalo horns and there is a granary opposite. If you are visiting Kete Kesu, don't forget to buy souvenirs available at the UMKM center along the road to the traditional tomb.


Day 01 : Makassar - Pare-Pare - Toraja 

Arriving at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, participants will be picked up by the Local Guide "Welcome to Makassar" and then participants will be escorted to Tana Toraja. The trip will take about 11 hours, passing through Bugis villages with typical traditional houses. Lunch will be served at a seafood restaurant in Kota Pare – pare. The journey continues through Enrekang Regency which is surrounded by very beautiful mountains. Here participants can relax while enjoying the beauty of the Bambapuang Mountains. The journey resumed, in the afternoon arrived at Rantepao (the city of North Toraja Regency) and went straight to the hotel to rest. In the evening participants will be picked up at the Local Restaurant for dinner, back to the hotel, rest, and free program.

Day 02 : Full Day Toraja Tour

After breakfast, we will take you to visit Lemo attraction, an ancient cemetery located on a vertical cliff. Next visit Londa, a cemetery inside a stone cave. From Londa, we will visit the famous site Kete Kesu, where we will see Tongkonan architecture (Toraja Traditional House). After that, we visit the grave of a strange baby in Suava/kambira. Meals are served at the local Local Restaurant. Then continue to visit Pallawa and Sa'dan which are famous as wood carving centers. In the afternoon we go back to the hotel to rest. In the evening participants will be picked up at the Local Restaurant for dinner, back to the hotel, rest, and free program.

Hari 03 : Full Day Toraja Tour

After breakfast, we will visit Marante and Nanggala, a traditional village famous for its large Tongkonan houses and old rice granaries. Then Bori to see the ancient megalith stone. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Rantepao. After lunch, we head to Batutumonga, the site of ancient stone monuments. On the way, we will stop at Tinombayo to enjoy the beauty of vast terraced rice fields with megalith stones and impressive mountain views. Here we can relax and unwind while enjoying food and soft drinks. By the afternoon we go back to the hotel to rest. In the evening, participants will be picked up to the local restaurant for dinner, back to the hotel, rest and free events.

Day 04 : Toraja - Airport

After breakfast, we will return to Makassar City through the same road. Lunch will be served at a seafood restaurant in Parepare City. In the afternoon, arrive in Makassar and immediately transfer to Sultan Hasanuddin Airport to continue the journey back to the city of origin. Upon arrival at the airport, the Toraja Tour Package 4 Days 3 Nights was completed.

Include :

  • Hotel accomodation of your choice
  • Local transport by Tourism Bus / Van / Innova according to the number of participants
  • Local Guide
  • Eat according to the program
  • Entrance ticket to the attraction
  • Daily mineral water
Exclude :

  • Flight ticket to Makassar PP
  • Personal expenses during the tour ( Telp, laundry, minibar )
  • Additional tours outside the program
  • Tips Guide and Driver (Voluntary)

Contact Person :


Gontang Barat Street No.05, Tamalate, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan



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Rp. 4.000.000,.

Gili Trawangan sudah tidak diragukan lagi pesona keindahannya. Pasir putih dengan gradasi air laut berwarna biru kehijauan serta keindahan terumbu karang dan koral laut yang masih alami, membuat Gili Trawangan tak pernah sepi dari wisatawan, baik mancanegara maupun domestik yang hendak melakukan scuba diving dan snorkeling.

Desa Sukarara adalah salah satu desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Jonggat, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Desa ini merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil kerajinan tenun songket khas Pulau Lombok yang paling populer. Saat memasuki desa, pengunjung akan disambut oleh bunyi khas gemertak dari mesin tenun tradisional yang ada di setiap halaman rumah penduduk. Selain dapat melihat proses pembuatan kain tenun songket lebih dekat, pengunjung juga bisa loh belajar untuk menenun yang nantinya akan dipandu oleh penenun desa.

Pulau Lombok juga dikenal dengan pulau seribu masjid yang tentu Anda bisa menjumpai banyak masjid disana, salah satunya yaitu Masjid Islamic Center Lombok.  Masjid ini menawarkan kenyamanan beribadah di Tanah Suci. Hal yang perlu Anda ketahui juga yaitu, di Masjid ini tidak hanya wisatawan muslim saja yang boleh mendatangi Masjid Islamic Center Lombok di lantai dua. Nonmuslim diperbolehkan masuk tapi diwajibkan mengenakan pakaian menutup aurat semacam jubah. Nantinya di lantai tiga akan disiapkan tourism zone (ruang area wisata), yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai informasi menarik.


Day 1 :
1. Dijemput di Bandara Internasional Lombok.
2. Diantar ke hotel untuk check in.
3. Perjalanan menuju Pantai Senggigi untuk makan di tepi pantai sambil melihat sunset.
4. Diantar kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat.

Day 2 :
1. Sarapan pagi di hotel.
2. Perjalanan menuju Bukit Malibu, spot photo keren.
3. Diantar menuju pelabuhan.
4. Menyeberang ke Gili Trawangan .
5. Tamu akan tour di Pulau Gili.
6. Makan siang di restaurant setempat.
7. Pada sore hari kembali menyeberang ke Lombok,
8. Berhenti sejenak di hutan pusuk.
9. Makan malam di restaurant setempat.
10. Kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat.

Day 3 :
1. Makan pagi di hotel.
2. Perjalanan menuju Desa Sukarara, tenun Khas Lombok.
3. Tamu akan tour ke Desa Sade, Tradisi Sasak.
4. Menuju Kuta Mandalika.
5. Makan siang di restaurant setempat.
6. Tamu akan tour ke Tanjung A'an.
7. Tamu akan melihat sunset di Bukit Merese.
8. Makan malam dengan menu ayam taliwang.
9. Kembali ke hotel/acara bebas.

Day 4 :
1. Sarapan pagi di hotel. Check out hotel.
2. Perjalanan menuju Islamic Center, masjid terbesar di Lombok.
3. Belanja oleh-oleh khas Lombok di Kota Mataram.
4. Diantar menuju Bandara Internasional Lombok.

Tour selesai


Rp. 17.000.000,.

Sydney Opera House merupakan salah satu landmark di Australia, tepatnya di Kota Sydney. Banyak anggapan bahwa Anda belum ke Kota Sydney jika belum berfoto di depan bangunan ikonik tersebut. Ciri khas yang paling terkenal dari bangunan tersebut adalah atapnya yang unik dan berbeda dari bangunan terkenal lainnya di dunia. Hebatnya, bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat berbagai pertunjukan ini telah dinobatkan sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO pada tahun 2007.

Sea World adalah taman mamalia laut, oseanarium, dan taman hiburan yang terletak di Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Ada banyak pameran hewan dan atraksi lainnya, disini juga mempromosikan konservasi melalui pendidikan dan penyelamatan dan rehabilitasi satwa liar yang sakit, terluka atau yatim piatu. So, bisa liburan sambil belajar di Sea World yaa.

Dreamworld adalah salah satu taman hiburan favorit Australia di Gold Coast dengan berbagai macam wahana dan atraksi, banyak makanan, minuman, dan gerai ritel, ditambah pertunjukan hiburan harian, semuanya di satu tempat. Selain menjadi taman hiburan, Dreamworld juga merupakan taman konservasi satwa liar, yang menampung berbagai macam hewan termasuk Pulau Harimau yang terkenal satu-satunya tempat Anda dapat melihat dari dekat dan melihat Harimau di Gold Coast. 


Day 1 :
1. Perjalanan dari meeting point di Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin menuju ke Brisbane via Denpasar dan Sydney.

Day 2 :
1. Setelah  sampai di Brisbane, langsung menuju Gold Coast dengan menggunakan bus.
2. Setelah sampai di Gold Coast langsung mengunjungi Dream World Theme Park, tamu dapat mencoba wahana permainan seperti Giant Drop, Tower of Terror, Escape from Madagascar, dan masih banyak lagi.
3. Setelah puas bermain di Dream World Theme Park, langsung diantar menuju hotel untuk check in dan acara bebas.

Day 3 :
1. Sarapan pagi di hotel.
2. Perjalanan menuju Sea World.
3. Setelah sampai di Sea World, tamu akan tour melihat berbagai jenis biota laut serta pertunjukan seperti Beach Break Bay, Castaway Bay, Fish Detective, dan masih banyak lagi.
4. Kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat dan acara bebas.

Day 4 : 
1. Sarapan pagi di hotel.
2. Perjalanan menuju Movie World, studio film terbesar di Australia.
3. Tamu dapat menyaksikan dari dekat dibalik layar pembuatan film.
4. Menikmati wahana bermain seperti Road Runner, Batman Return, Superman the Ride, dan masih banyak lagi.
5. Makan malam di restoran lokal.
6. Kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat/acara bebas.

Day 5 :
1. Sarapan pagi di hotel.
2. Perjalanan ke Sydney dengan menggunakan pesawat terbang.
3. Setelah sampai di Sydney, diajak untuk City Tour dengan mengunjungi objek wisata seperti Double Bay.
4. Menuju ke Rose Bay, sisi pelabuhan yang makmur.
5. Mengunjungi Mrs. Macquaries Point, The Rocks, Circular Quay, serta Sydney Opera House dan Sydney Harbour Bridge.
6. Diantar ke hotel untuk check in lalu beristirahat/acara bebas.

Day 6 : 
1. Hari acara bebas dan tamu bisa bersantai sambil berbelanja souvenir di China Town atau Paddy's Market.

Day 7 :
1. Pagi hari check out hotel dan diantar ke bandara untuk perjalanan kembali ke Makassar.


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